Here’s the email we sent out to everyone registered for our February 28th conference today!
A Message from EdCampOKC 2015 Organizers:
We’re looking forward to seeing you this Saturday, February 28th, at 8 am for EdCampOKC at Southmore High School in Moore, Oklahoma. Here are a few reminders to help make your EdCamp experience GREAT!
- Weather? We’re a GO! We are planning to hold EdCampOKC on Saturday Feb 28th but are watching the weather closely. If something changes drastically we will notify you via EventBrite email, as well as Twitter (@edcampOKC) and our website
- Bring your printed EventBrite ticket: Doorprizes will be based on EventBrite ticket checkins, so PLEASE be sure to bring your printed ticket or your ticket on your smartphone. A volunteer will scan your ticket upon arrival.
- Charge your devices: Remember to bring your laptop and/or tablet computer to EdCampOKC. Fully charge your devices the night before!
- Schedule & Maps: Our schedule and maps of Southmore High School are updated and available on Bookmark / favorite / save this web link, along with the Google Doc link to our “session grid” which will be updated the morning of February 28th as we build our schedule of sessions together.
- Breakfast & Lunch: Don’t worry about food in the morning or afternoon, our sponsors have donated over $3000 to provide both breakfast and lunch for all participants! Breakfast items will be from Panera and Chick-fila, Lunch will be from Panera. We will also give away most of our PRIZES at the end of lunchtime, so you don’t want to miss it!
- Parking: Plan to park on the east or west side of Southmore High School. Approximately 150 spots are available on the east side, more on the west where students park. If possible please enter through the main east entrance. Very limited parking is available to the north. Because of a basketball tourament also happening Saturday, we recommend you do NOT go out for lunch (we’ll have free lunch provided) so you don’t lose your parking space.
- Post-EdCampOKC Meetup at Fassler Hall: Please plan to join us for our after-party at Fassler Hall, 421 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103. A Google Maps link is available. If you might come, please submit this short RSVP survey.
- App Info Coming: Our volunteers have been working on a special EdCampOKC mobile app this year, and it’s almost ready! Look for a separate email coming later this week with download information.
- No Vendor Sessions: Remember EdCamp is all about conversations and not about vendor advertising. if you are a vendor, we are glad to have you participate but do NOT want you to lead a session that is specific to your product/service.
- Please Thank Our Sponsors! Please take time to thank our sponsors via Twitter. They are listed on our sponsor page, and you’ll see their Twitter channel IDs on posters as well as digital signage during EdCampOKC.
- Cancel if Not Coming: If your plans change and you will NOT attend EdCampOKC, please log into EventBrite and cancel your ticket reservation. As of Tuesday night we have 450 registered and only 30 tickets remaining. We expect to sell out. If you cancel your ticket, someone on our waiting list will be able to get your ticket. (We hope you’ll come though and not cancel!)
- App Smackdown / Demo Slam: Our last event of the day will be an “App Smackdown / Demo Slam.” If you’d like to show an app or demo a digital tool, please submit this Google Form. We may not be able to accept all submissions but we’ll take as many as we can, and post the presenter list on our main schedule page. (No vendors please!)
We look forward to seeing you at EdCampOKC on Saturday! For your reference, here’s our schedule from
our main schedule/maps page:
Location: Southmoore High School, 2901 S Santa Fe Ave, Moore, OK 73160 (Google Maps link – PDF Map of Meeting Rooms)
8:30-9:00 Registration, Breakfast by Panera, Networking and Session Planning
9:00-9:30 Whole Group Kickoff
9:30-10:30 Session 1
10:45-11:45 Session 2
11:45-12:30 Lunch by Panera (provided by sponsors) and Makerspace Playground Exploration Time
12:30-12:55 Prizes/Give Aways
1:00-1:45 Session 3
2:00-2:45 Session 4
2:45-3:30 SHARE OUT & App Smackdown / Wrap Up / Raffle / Prizes / Give Aways
4:00-6:00 After Party (Fassler Hall, 421 NW 10th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 – Google Maps link) *

Original photo by Tammy Parks