This information was sent via email to everyone registered for the PLAYDATE PD event on Saturday, April 18, 2015:
A Message from PLAYDATE OKC 2015 Organizers:
We’re looking forward to seeing you at PLAYDATE on Saturday at John Rex Charter School in Oklahoma City! We have 31 currently registered so this should be a super group. We’ve posted updated information on both “our schedule” page and “what to bring and know” page.
Definitely check out our event map!

We are planning to have 3 primary sessions which will repeat during Playdate, but each Minecraft/MinecraftEDU session will have a different suggested focus. You are welcome to attend all three sessions or stay in 1 session all morning… whatever suits you! We have some students who are Minecraft gurus designated to help facilitate/coach the Minecraft sessions, but don’t have other designated facilitators. We do have at least 1 certified instructor coming, and at least 1 Hopscotch quasi-expert! Remember this is PLAYdate, we’re going to play together and learn lots!
Here is some of the updated information from our website, copied here for your reference. Note on the map that we’ll be using meeting rooms upstairs on the THIRD FLOOR, look for the signs. Enter via the main entrance at Sheridan and Walker, parking is free on the streets adjacent to the school.
This is our updated schedule:
8:30 – 9:00 Registration / Refreshments
9:00 – 9:20 Welcome / Introductions / Overview
9:30 – 10:30 Session 1
- Computer Lab: Minecraft Survival Challenge
- Classroom 1: Hopscotch and Scratch
- Classroom 2:
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:45 Session 2
- Computer Lab: MinecraftEDU Tool Challenge
- Classroom 1: Hopscotch and Scratch
- Classroom 2:
11:45 – 12:00 Break
12:00 – 1:00 Session 3
- Computer Lab: MinecraftEDU Treehouse Challenge
- Classroom 1: Hopscotch and Scratch
- Classroom 2:
For our April 18th Playdate we will have:
- Open and fast wifi courtesy of OKCPS (The network ID will be edcampokc and will NOT require a password)
- Coffee and Bagels
- Minecraft and MinecraftEDU installed on 20 iMacs in the computer lab, along with a computer and LCD projector
- 29 Minecraft licenses from Mojang (userIDs and passwords) for participants to use during Playdate
- A MinecraftEDU server
- Printed (yes on paper!) copies of the MinecraftEDU Basic Controls Quickstart Guide (PDF) and Minecraft Recipe Reference Guide (PDF)
- Flatscreen televisions with AppleTVs in each classroom
We recommend you install the following software on your own iPad or Android tablets you’re bringing to the workshop. Note Hopscotch is ONLY available for iOS, Scratch Jr is available for iOS and Android:
We also recommend you setup a free account on
See you on Saturday! Please remember to charge your devices in advance!