Meet Karie Carpenter, Educational Technology Coach


What’s your first and last name?

  • Karie Carpenter

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Educational Technology Coach

How are you involved in education?

  • Help teachers connect technology with their lesson plans.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Students working on project based lessons with 1;1 technology devices.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • iPads in the Classroom
    Google Docs
    Planning for tech purchases w/student learning as the catalyst

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Meet Jason Stephenson, English * creative writing teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • Jason Stephenson

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • English * creative writing teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • In my ninth year of education, I am teaching Pre-AP English 2 and Creative Writing 1 and 2 at Deer Creek High School in Edmond. I am also a co-sponsor of student council. I am teacher consultant for the Oklahoma Writing Project, and I serve on the executive board of the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of English.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Teachers are knowledgeable and passionate.
    Students are curious and motivated.
    Administrators are the lead learners of the school.
    Descriptive feedback replaces numeric grades.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Last year I spur-of-the-moment decided to lead a session on reading in the secondary classroom. This year it might be fun to explore strategies and websites to help students become better writers, especially at argument.

Do you have a website or blog?

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

EdCampOKC 2014 Marketing Flyer

Thanks to Luke Steelman, a PDF marketing flyer for EdCampOKC 2014 is now available! Please share this link, forward this PDF to educators you know, and post printed copies in locations other educators will see who might be interested in attending on Saturday, February 15 , 2014 at Grant High School in Oklahoma City! Registration for this FREE day of “unconference” professional development is available now via EventBrite. Please help us spread the word about EdCampOKC 2014!


Meet JoDee Adney, Special Education/History Teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • JoDee Adney

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Special Education/History Teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • This year I am teaching special eduation at the 5th and 6th grade level. I am also teaching US Government and Oklahoma History at Clinton High School. Two evenings each week, I teach history at our GOLD Academy Alternative School.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • In the ideal classroom, all students are engaged and learning.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • I would like to hear from others about using technology in the alternative school setting.

Do you have a website or blog?

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Save the Date: Saturday, Feb 15, 2014

Save the date and make plans now to attend the second annual EdCampOKC on Saturday, February 15, 2014! This year’s conference will be held at Grant High School in Oklahoma City Public Schools. Registration is FREE and is available online now via EventBrite. Check out our schedule, which is almost entirely identical to the schedule we followed in our first conference in 2013.

EdCamps are different and unique professional development events. In addition to being FREE for everyone, EdCamps are:

  1. Collaborative: EdCamp is all about meeting other teachers and learning together!
  2. Participant-led: Each EdCamp session is a conversation among many rather than a one-way presentation of ideas by one person or a group
  3. Dynamically planned: We create the schedule together in the morning during our first event
  4. Fun: As an all-volunteer learning event, fun is both encouraged and expected throughout the day!

Learn more about EdCamps by watching the videos linked and embedded on our ABOUT page.

Organizer Team Forming for EdCampOKC 2014

Are you interested in helping organize and plan EdCampOKC 2014? If so, please take a minute and fill out this Doodle Poll, and also add a COMMENT to this post so we’ll have your email and can send you a message about our next online meeting.

We’re going to have our initial planning meeting the week of September 23rd in the evening, via a Google Hangout. Our date and location isn’t finalized yet for our next event, but we’re looking at having EdCampOKC in OKCPS next year on a Saturday in February.

We’ll post more updates here as they are available!


Meet Megan Smith, Library Media Specialist & 6th Grade English


What’s your first and last name?

  • Megan Smith

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Library Media Specialist & 6th Grade English

How are you involved in education?

  • With an educational technology background, I try to introduce and encourage the use of a variety of resources for my PK-12 teachers and students. This is my third year at Leedey as the librarian and my first year to teach English.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • I love the idea of a flipped classroom, 1:1, windows, and space to move.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Symbaloo along with other resources for teachers and students.

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.