Meet Amanda James, Assistant Principal @ Classen SAS


What’s your first and last name?

  • Amanda James

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Assistant Principal @ Classen SAS

How are you involved in education?

  • I have the honor of working at an amazing school, with amazing administrators in OKCPS, and overseeing the IB program full of amazingly smart students!

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • My ideal school is similar to the one I work at. I love the idea of students choosing a major to focus on in high school. However, this school would be filled with active learning, real world application projects, and loads of technology (now you know I’m dreaming…lol). Students would love coming to school, and what is best for students would be the motto and the measure to which all decisions were gaged.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Teaching strategies that get students talking and walking.

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