Meet Robin Rodriquez, 5th & 6th grade Science Teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • Robin Rodriquez

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • 5th & 6th grade Science Teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • I teach 5th and 6th grade Science to the most inquisitive students! I am a bonafide Tech-Ninja at a campus that has plunged into classroom technology like a champion! We are 1:1 with iPads and our Science team has been a significant part in helping our site to get excited about helping our students use technology on a daily basis.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Students enter the classroom and retrieve their i-devices and start working on their bellwork while the teacher takes role giving each student present a positive mark in Class Dojo. Students then log into their Drive accounts to get the lesson for the day. After listening to either a live or recorded instructional session and then get into cooperative groups for the activity of the day. Once or twice a week, the class participates in a hands-on activity. Data collected is turned into a presentation using an app on the iPads and submitted via Google Drive.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Classkick – This app allows me to build an assignment for the students to work on at their own pace. That is not the best part, I can go online, from anywhere, and watch my students working on the lesson! I was at a workshop in Tulsa, watching my students in Clinton in real time working on the assignment that I had left them. AWESOME!!

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Meet Angela Smith, 6th grade teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • Angela Smith

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • 6th grade teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • I teach a self-contained 6th grade class of 24 students.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Ideal? No home problems for my students, well fed and clothed, and ready to learn!

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Smart clickers — more than just assessments.

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Meet Stephanie Darden, High School Special Education


What’s your first and last name?

  • Stephanie Darden

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • High School Special Education

How are you involved in education?

  • I teach science, English, and math to special education students.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • My ideal classroom has students working on labs, assignments, and other inquiry based activities in groups using technology to learn together and from each other. I want to increase my students ability to think creatively and independently.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Modification and differentiation for lower learning students within the regular education classroom

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Meet Mandi Cloud, Kindergarten Teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • Mandi Cloud

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Kindergarten Teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • I have taught at Limestone Technology Academy in Sand Springs for 11 years. I have 24 Kindergarten brainiacs in my class who come to me with a variety of experiences and knowledge, but they are all eager to learn! For many of them, I am their first school experience, and I pride myself in making it a positive one! Outside of the classroom I am an advocate for public education and a lifelong learner! I’m also becoming an a EdCamp addict!

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • My ideal classroom would be full of inquiry and fun! My (small) class of Kindergarten students would all be learning and working at their own pace, and not constantly being assessed! They would also be using their 1:1 technology to solve problems, as well as to create and publish their work!

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Project Based Learning for Elementary

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

Meet Klista Rader – Digital Coach, Lead Learner


What’s your first and last name?

  • Klista Rader

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Digital Coach, Lead Learner

How are you involved in education?

  • I partner with teachers, schools, and districts to provide coaching and assistance in educational technology, project based learning, and 1:1 programs.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Students would have voice and choice in how they learn and how they present their understandings. The physical classroom would be a comfortable environment with lots of light that uses flexible seating to maximize cooperative groups. Students would be involved a curriculum that is driven by inquiry, and use multiple types of technology to achieve their learning goals.

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • What do bold schools look like?
    Classroom game changers
    Instructional gains of 1:1

Do you have a website or blog?

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

EdCampOKC Coming Saturday, February 28, 2015

Please mark your calendar and register today (for FREE) to attend EdCampOKC on Saturday, February 28, 2015, at Southmoore High School in Moore, Oklahoma. EdCampOKC 2015 is sponsored by Moore Public Schools. A 1 page PDF marketing flyer is available, please forward this to other educators you know and encourage them to attend with you! Registration is available via EventBrite.


Photos, Tweets & Links from our 2nd PLAYDATE

We had a successful second PLAYDATE PD event today at John Marshall High School in Oklahoma City! Check out the saved links from our shared Google Doc, as well as the Storify archived tweets below. Photos are available in this Flickr set. Our next PLAYDATE will be Saturday, March 28, 2015, and will focus on coding. Both students and educators/parents are welcome to attend! (Get ready for Minecraft “show and tell” by students!) We are going to work on getting some sponsorships so we can meet in downtown OKC, possibly in the Boathouse District or at John Rex Elementary. Remember to plan to attend EdCampOKC on Saturday, February 28, 2015! FREE registration will be available soon via EventBrite when our location is confirmed. If you’re not familiar with PLAYDATE events, check out the “backstory” page on our PLAYDATE OKC Google Site.

Reminders & Lunch Survey for PLAYDATE OKC Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our 2nd PLAYDATE PD event in Oklahoma City and we’re looking forward to seeing you! We have 22 people registered as of 7:00pm Friday night. Here are a few last minute reminders.

1. Start Time & Schedule

We will start at 9 am in the morning (Sat Oct 4th) with a fun icebreaker activity. April and Wes will be there by 8:30, if you come early you can help staff our welcome table with nametags! Our schedule is available on:

We will be in rooms C100 – C105. We will have some light snacks available, but feel free to bring your own coffee if you want. Look for the PLAYDATE signs when you enter the building tomorrow, someone should be at the front desk to greet you and direct you to the C hall rooms.

2. Lunch Survey / Poll

We will wrap up by 1 pm and will adjourn to eat lunch together – we’ll decide that location via this electronic poll / Google Form! Please VOTE and help us decide where we eat tomorrow! After voting you can view the results so far.

3. Parking Map

Here’s a map showing where to park and enter John Marshall High School for PLAYDATE.


4. Charge Your Devices!

We’ll have power available, but the morning will be smoother if you bring charged devices. We will have iPads available for checkout, but you’re welcome to bring your own tablets and laptops. Bring your power supply / supplies too just in case. 🙂

5. WiFi Info

The wifi network name for PLAYDATE tomorrow is:


There will NOT be a required password! Many thanks to OKCPS IT for setting this up for us again!

6. Photos

We are going to try and take more photos this time during the morning which we can share online later to let others know about PLAYDATE. If you would prefer to NOT be included in photos, please let us know by putting an asterik (*) on your nametag Saturday.

7. Invite Extra Folks

We will have room for more people to attend and participate, so if you know someone else who is interested in coming please invite them! Have them register via EventBrite before or at the event if possible so we can have their email and stay in touch.


Wes & April

2nd PLAYDATE in OKC: Saturday, October 4th

Please plan to join in our 2nd FREE “PLAYDATE” professional development event in Oklahoma on Saturday, October 4th from 9 am to 2 pm at John Marshall High School in Oklahoma City. PLAYDATE is similar to EdCamp, but the focus is PLAYING with apps and websites you want to explore along with other educators. Free registration is available on EventBrite, and more details about PLAYDATE are available on A 1 page printable PDF flyer is available and linked to the image below: Please share this with other teachers, librarians, administrators, and educators you know!


PLAYDATE OKC Google+ Community & Organizer Meetings

Please join our PLAYDATE OKC Google+ Community! We will use that G+ space to share resources, links, and our learning during and after PLAYDATE OKC!


Also, if you are interested in helping us organize our first PLAYDATE OKC on Saturday, May 10th from 6 – 10 pm at John Marshall High School, please join our organizer team. We’ve had several initial meetings and are now expanding our group to include more people interested in helping.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 23rd via a Google Hangout from 7-8 pm. For future meetings we may move to Tuesday nights, but this week Wednesday will work best. Please RSVP to this event in our G+ community if you can or might be able to attend.
