Meet Stephanie Hinton, Kindergarten Teacher


What’s your first and last name?

  • Stephanie Hinton

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • Kindergarten Teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • I have been teaching in early childhood classrooms since 2008, starting in second grade and now in kindergarten, for the Putnam City School district. I am currently working on my doctorate degree at the University of Oklahoma in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Learning, learning, learning…similar to what my classroom is like now. I love when my students are engaged in what they are doing and making real world connections!

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • I would lead a session on active parent engagement or differentiation ideas for young learners.

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