2015 Registrants

Here are a few updates and other things to do after you’ve registered for EdCampOKC on EventBrite.

1. Plan to Pre-Order a T-Shirt

We will be offering tshirts again this year for pre-order purchase, and a limited number will be available on the day of EdCampOKC. We will email you a link via EventBrite to the T-Shirt order form when it’s available, and also add it here.

2. Share Our Flyer

Please print our EdCampOKC 2015 marketing flyer (in PDF format), put it up in your teacher’s lounge, and forward it to other educators you know who might be interested in attending. Lots of teachers don’t know about EdCamps and what they are. Be part of our marketing team by letting others you know learn about EdCampOKC, the best FREE professional development Saturday of the year!

3. Bring a Friend, Tell Your Principal

Please bring a friend to EdCampOKC! The EdCamp movement depends on word-of-mouth sharing and invitations. Also please consider inviting your principal and other principals you know – We need more school administrators at EdCamp too!

4. Fill out our “Meet the EdCampers” Form

This year we are again featuring posts on our EdCampOKC website to “Meet the EdCampers.”  This provides a great opportunity to learn more about other EdCampers planning to come, and also connect to them via Twitter and their website/blog. Please fill out our contribute form so we can introduce you to our community! Posts are scheduled as they are submitted. Check our website and Twitter account (@edcampOKC) this week for several new “Meet the EdCampers” posts!


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