Meet Jody Maxey, 6th Grade Science Teacher

jody-maxey What’s your first and last name?

  • Jody Maxey

What do you teach / what is your ‘title’ at school?

  • 6th Grade Science Teacher

How are you involved in education?

  • My personal goal every day is to answer this question with a YES! Would I WANT to be in my class today? If I can’t answer yes, then it gets changed!

What does your ideal school or classroom look like?

  • Creativity, Inquiry, Discussion, Laughter, Technology, and no testing!

If you were to lead a session at Edcamp, what would it be about?

  • Building relationships with the kids through activities (big or small) that get the kids WANTING to come back to class tomorrow.

Do you have a website or blog?

Are you on Twitter?

If you are attending EdCampOKC, we’d love to feature your information here too! Please submit this contribution form, including a small photo we can use in your post.

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