What would you like to hear about at EdCamp OKC? What would you like to talk about? This is EdCamp, so feel free to stray from “traditional” presentation models – what would really help all participants get the most out of each session? Share your ideas in the comments below. (Hat tip to edcamp philly and edcamp detroit for this idea!)
Common Core! I don’t think we have enough training on implementing Common Core and C3 Standards. I don’t think many are aware of the difference. How does our curriculum need to change? What should we do differently from the implementing PASS? How will testing be different? What about Special Education?
Can we create a lesson plan? I teach History and English. I think combining them and also combing Math and Science for some interdisciplinary lesson plans would be a great help.
JoDee, I like your ideas about interdisciplinary lesson plans is excellent! I do think that with Common Core, it is even more important to integrate literacy across content areas. How can we move away from a departmentalized model that reinforces the idea that content areas are not connected or related to each other?
I would like to hear ideas for using trade books that have been published recently. Classics are great, but we have to keep up with changing cultural times, ideas, and attitudes.
JoDee – GREAT suggestion for an #EdCampOKC session. This topic is at the top of every educator’s list! I hope you will be attending @EdCampOKC Until then, check out these great resources on CCSS aligned interdisciplinary lessons from @K20Alt
http://k20alt.ou.edu – Tammy Parks @HoweSchools
I’m intrigued by the Things that Suck EdCamp session information shared by Bill Selak.
That would be a great session. Are you going to write it on the board? I will help you with it.
I’d love to see information about flipped classrooms, injecting more creativity (read: engagement) in lesson plans, getting kids to jump the gap between rote (current) learning to critical thinking and problem solving, independent study instead of curriculum. There are so many ideas! I can’t wait for Saturday!
I can’t wait until Edcampokc! I learned so many new and innovating ideas last year, I know this year will be the same! I am hoping to learn some cutting edge tech!
I am looking forward to attending EDCamp again this year! I would like to learn more about Skype in the early elementary classrooms. My son is in @Mrshime classroom. It’s crazy I haven’t gone over there to see how she pulls it off. She and @schantzmarilou do so many awesome things with Skype and I would love to try it out. Any other experienced Skype in the classroom teachers, would love your expertise!!!
I would like to learn how to make those cute materials being sold on Teachers pay Teachers. Such awesome ideas, color, and creativity, but I would like to make some things for my students that I can’t find for purchase. So many educators are using technology to create specific things for kids in their classrooms and I don’t even know where to begin! Anyone know how to do that?
I am also interested in learning how those teachers make their awesome printables, etc. Great idea!
@DeeAnnMoran has AWESOME stuff on TPT and would be a great resource. She is coming to edcampOKC!
I am looking forward to attending OkEdCamp again this year. I would like to learn more about Aurasma, how to use it in my classroom.
I LOVE Aurasma and Augmented Reality in the classroom! Have presented on the topic several times! Would love to share a session at #EdCampOKC!
With PBL being such a big push in some places, a session on it would be nice. I can see a lot of opportunities, but many of them require higher staffing levels than we are able to maintain in the current budget climate. Any ideas?
I’ve trained with Buck Institute for Education – IMO The Godfathers of PBL! I would be glad to throw together a PBL session at EdCampOKC! Also Telannia Norfar is a Buck National Faculty member “a PBL Goddess” . . . and she’s right here in #OklaEd http://pbl-birdside.blogspot.com Hopefully, she’ll be in attendance too!
You k ow I would not miss attending this conference TAMMY!! I will be there. We can talk about doing a session on this together!
I will be hauling over my quadcopters, helicopter, rokenbok skid steers, robotic arm and my arduino duo board and sensor kit. We thought some folks might want to play with this stuff and if we’re not careful we might learn something.
Woo Hoo! Scott! Awesome! Bringing my Parrot AR Drone 2.0 QuadCopter, Makey Makey and Leap Motion just for FUNZIES! #MakerSpace #EdCampOKC
I really wanted to learn more about the flipped classroom, and I learned what it was and how to effectively implement it.
I was really interested in learning more about classroom blogs. The session on blogging was great! Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.